The City of Daytona Beach operates under the Commissioner - Manager form of government. In addition to the City Manager and City Attorney, Daytona Beach has three Deputy City Managers (Fire, Growth Management & Planning and Police), one Assistant City Manager (Capital Projects and Infrastructure), and Economic, Redevelopment, Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology Systems, Planning, Public Works and Utilities directors.
The city has approximately 1,000 employees. The City Manager is responsible for carrying out the policies and directives of the City Commission, overseeing the day-to-day operations of the city and appointing various department directors.
The city is empowered to levy a property tax on real and personal property located within the city and provides general government, public safety, transportation, economic environment and culture and recreation services to its residents. To provide these services, the city operates nine enterprise activities: a water and sewer system, a solid waste system, a stormwater system, a marina with office plaza, a municipal golf course, a tennis center, special event, and cultural venues (theater, oceanfront bandshell and amphitheater), municipal and minor league baseball stadiums and pier operations.