The people of the Town of Malabar desire to maintain the rural residential quality of life in their town and they are concerned about the possibility of uncontrolled growth in the future affecting that type of lifestyle. The people of the Town of Malabar are concerned that the power to govern their Town remain vested in a duly elected Town Council. Therefore, they have ratified by referendum this Charter and enacted it into law. They wish to maintain the rural residential character of their community. Furthermore, having complete faith in representative government with the ultimate power to govern remaining with themselves, they desire to codify the recent history of Malabar which has been the practice of vesting the decision-making power of the Town in a five (5) member Town Council elected by five single districts.
The Town operates under a mayoral forma of government and employs 20 positions to serve 3,000 residents for Administration, Building Department, Fire Department, Streets and Roads, Stormwater and Parks & Recreation service. The Town of Malabar is a Florida Retirement System (FRS) employer.